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Here are the musical scales that I'm currently using on a daily basis.

This list is constantly growing.

In the future, I will add new musical scales to it.

To purchase a TIFLIS HANDpan with a scale

from our offered scale list,  use our Contact Page.*Order 

Stainless steel  / Soft*tone


Eb3 La Sirena 16 Kabeção edition 


stainless steel 1.25 mm


(C#) Eb/ (F) F# (Ab) Bb C C# Eb F F# Bb (C C# Eb F)


Price today * 2100  €  without bag 


Price today * 2250€  included bag


Eb3 La Sirena 16 Kabeção edition 


stainless steel 1 mm


(C#) Eb/ (F) F# (Ab) Bb C C# Eb F F# Bb (C C# Eb F)


Price today * 1800 €  without bag 


Price today * 1900 €  included bag


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